SADAF | Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico  | 
Tuesday, March  25th, 2025


SADAF was founded by Carlos Alchourrón, Eugenio Bulygin, Genaro Carrio, Alberto Coffa, Juan Carlos D'Alessio, Ricardo Gómez, Gregorio Klimovsky, Orayen Raúl, Eduardo Rabossi, Felix Schuster and Thomas Moro Simpson in the late 1960s
Since then, there have been numerous conferences seminars and academic meetings dedicated to specialized audiences. Many wellknown philosophers have participated in those activities. Some of the personalities who visited us were the following: Adam Sennett, Agustin Rayo, Akeel Bilgrami, Alejandro Tomasini Bassols, Angeles Eraña, Antoni Gomila, Carlos Moya, Dan López de Sa, Daniel Hutto, Daniel Stoljar, David Papineau, David Sosa, Donald Davidson, Dorit Bar On, Eduardo Fermandois, Eduardo Garcia Ramirez, Elisabeth Camp, Ernest Sosa, Facundo Alonso, Fernando Broncano, Francisco Pereira, Graham Priest, Gregory Currie, Gualterio Piccinini, Guillermo Hurtado, Hannes Leitgeb, Hartry Field, Isaac Levi, Isidora Stojanovich, Jaegwon Kim, Jennifer Lackey, Jesse Prinz, Jesus Vega Encabo, Johannes Roessler, John Collins,  John MacFarlane, John Perry, John Searle, Jose Diez Calzada, José Luis Bermúdez, Josep Corbí, Josua Gert, Kepa Korta, Maite Ezcurdia, John MacFarlane, Manuel Garcia Carpintero, Manuel Liz, Manuel Pérez Otero, Marco Ruffino, Margarita Valdes, Margarita Vazquez, Mario Bunge, Mario Gomez Torrente, Mark Rowlands, Max Kölbel, Michael Devitt, Michael Williams, Ned Block, Nick Zangwill, Oswaldo Chateaubriand, Paul Humphreys, Paulo Abrantes, Phillippe Rochat, Plinio Junqueira Smith, Roman Frigg, Roy Cook, Salma Saab, Saul Kripke, Stefano Predelli, Stephen Neale, Stephen Schiffer, Stewart Cohen, Susana Nuccetelli, and Thomas Pogge.
SADAF also organized a Research Fellowship Program and Postgraduate Course (M.A.) in Analytic Philosophy in the 80s.
As part of the activities of the XV National Congress of Philosophy organized by the Asociación Filosófica de la República Argentina (Argentina Philosophical Association) (AFRA), held in the City of Buenos Aires between the 6th  and 11th  of December 2010, SADAF has organized a symposium entitled "The Philosophical Analysis in Argentina". The papers presented highlight different aspects of the historical development of analytic philosophy in both our country and our institution. We have invited all the participants to post their contributions on our site. Click here to view the papers.


Bulnes 642 | CP: 1176
CABA - Argentina
Teléfono: +54 11 4864-0737
