SADAF | Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico  | 
Friday, March  14th, 2025

"Being in Disagreement"

Additional Info

  • Fecha: 06/06/2017
  • Hora: 11 hs.
  • Arancel Socios: sin cargo
  • Arancel No Socios: $ 150

Ramiro Caso


Martes 6 de junio de 2017  11 hs.


En el marco del Ciclo de Conferencias Seminario IIF-SADAF

Abstract: Disagreements take the center stage in the debate over the adequacy of different relativistic theories of meaning for evaluative expressions.  However, it has been recognized that we lack an adequate account of what disagreement is. In connection with that debate, the most promising way of spelling out disagreement seems to be in terms of the notion of preclusion of joint accuracy. However, it has also been noted that we do not have an adequate explication of preclusion. I use the notions of aboutness and subject matter in an attempt to develop an explication of preclusion that yields better results than the purely modal explication of that same notion.


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CABA - Argentina
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