SADAF | Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico  | 
Viernes. 14  de Marzo de  2025

“Thought insertion, self-awareness, and rationality"

Información adicional

  • Fecha: 11/12/2012
  • Hora: 18 hs.
  • Arancel Socios: sin cargo
  • Arancel No Socios: $ 50

Johannes Roessler (University of Warwick)

Martes 11 de diciembre, 18 hs.

In this talk I argue that recent attempts to make sense of the delusion of thought insertion in terms of a distinction between two notions of thought ownership have been unsuccessful. I also propose an alternative account, on which the delusion is to be interpreted in the light of its prehistory.


Bulnes 642 | CP: 1176
CABA - Argentina
Teléfono: +54 11 4864-0737
