SADAF | Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Filosófico  | 
Jueves. 13  de Marzo de  2025

Non-Existent Objects

Información adicional

  • Fecha: Martes 24 de Agosto
  • Hora: 18hs
  • Arancel Socios: sin cargo
  • Arancel No Socios: $ 40
Graham Priest (University of Melbourne) Martes 24 de Agosto a las 18hs.

Graham Priest is Boyce Gibson Professor of Philosophy at the University of Melbourne and a distinguished professor of philosophy at the CUNY Graduate Center, as well as a regular visitor at St. Andrews University. He is known for his defense of dialetheism, his in-depth analyses of the logical paradoxes, and his many writings related to paraconsistent and other non-classical logics.


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CABA - Argentina
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